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Este formulario esta limitado para profesionales de la salud ubicados en Europa, Oriente Medio y Africa. Por favor, dirigase al sitio web LATAM para contactarse con un representante de Johnson & Johnson Medical Technologies en esta regiĆ³n.
If you have a specific Medical Information Request, please use this Medical Information Request form instead of this form, so that your request can be correctly managed directly by our Medical Affairs team.
* Fields are required
The personal data collected on this form, will be used to validate your request & also manage our relationship with you. Where you have provided your consent we will use your email address and/or phone number, to provide you with information about our medical products, services, and scientific information, and information about local and/or international medical events. Your personal data maybe be transferred to countries outside of your country of residence, including the United States, which may provide for different data protection rules than those in your country. For more information about Johnson & Johnson privacy practices and how it collects, processes, discloses, and retains your personal data, please read our Privacy Policy.
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My communications preferences are:  
You have selected at least one mobile phone channel and you have not provided your mobile number, please add your mobile number to proceed
You have provided consent for communications on medical products, services & scientific information but no channel selected, please select a channel(s) to proceed
You have provided consent for communications on local and international medical events and this choice requires the email channel as event notifications are only managed via email. Please select the email channel to proceed or unselect local and international events if you do not wish to provide your email for such communications

By submitting this form, I hereby confirm that I am not reporting any adverse event and/or product quality complaint related to any of the Johnson & Johnson MedTech Companies. If you do have an adverse event and/or product complaint that you wish to report, please contact your local Sales Representative or Customer Service Team.
Please email us if you experience any technical issues with your submission